Guidelines for Authors
Manuscript Preparation and Submission Guidelines
Authors are requested to strictly follow the manuscript preparation guidelines prescribed by Material Today: Proceedings while preparing and submitting their manuscript to SMPBE 2023. The detailed guidelines can be viewed by visiting the “Guide for Authors” sections of Materials Today: Proceedings. The format can be downloaded from this link. A single author regardless of capacity viz., First Author / Corresponding Author / Co-Author can submit maximum up to two articles.
General Guidelines and Policies
“2nd International Conference on Sustainable Materials and Practices for Built Environment (SMPBE – 2023)″ invites original/review article contribution from different fields as mentioned in Call for Papers provided that the context of the work is clearly explained. Papers must be submitted on or before the last date of paper submission. After this deadline, authors will not be able to submit new papers. Once you submit your paper, you will be assigned a unique paper ID. Please remember this paper ID and quote that ID in all further communications in the subject line when you email us your query at
The conference committee maintain a strict confidentiality throughout the process from submission to decision making on every article considered for review. Reviewers involved in this whole review process are from reputed universities throughout the globe and the practice of keeping all information confidential during the review is part of the standard communication to all reviewers.
Review Process
Once an article is submitted to the conference the authors agree to our review policy where the article will be peer reviewed by professional reviewers after being checked for similarity index and plagiarism by plagiarism detection software. If any article found to have more than 25% similarity index, then it will be immediately rejected without any consideration.
SMPBE 2023 respects Intellectual Property Rights. Plagiarism is defined as the incorrect appropriation of someone else's information, thoughts, or ideas and presenting them as one's own. This sort of breach of ethical norms will not be tolerated at any cost by the conference. It should be noted that papers with more than 15% plagiarized material will not be processed and outrightly rejected.
Attendance responsibilities
The authors must agree that if the paper is accepted, at least one of the authors will register for the conference and present the paper there. Acceptance of a paper does not claim for final publication. Only presented papers will be forwarded to publication partner. Presenters will be provided certificate of paper presentation.
All accepted and presented papers will be submitted for proceeding publication to Materials Today: Proceedings. Hence, keep on visiting the website for updated information.
All articles submitted to the conference cannot be fully or partially publicize in any kind of social media platform until unless an official acceptance email is received from Material Today: Proceedings. If any author(s) violate this act, then his/her article will be rejected for presentation and will also be removed from the proceeding for publication.